Best Western Aberavon Beach Hotel Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
What is CSR?
This is one question that is frequently being asked in business and one simple definition is that:
CSR is about how companies and organisations manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
The Aberavon Beach Hotel operates with a culture that recognises responsibilities to society to maintain safety and quality in all our operations. We recognise that the hotel’s activities affect many people in the local community.
It is the policy of the hotel to carry out all measures reasonably practicable in an attempt to meet, exceed or develop all necessary requirements to improve the hotel’s impact on society.
The hotel will comply with all environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice relating to the processes and activities of the Company.
The aims will be wherever possible:
1. Assess the environmental effects of the Company’s activities in its operation.
2. Reduce the amount of waste produced.
3. Reduce the consumption of raw materials, water and fuels.
4. Reduce and/or limit the production of pollutants to the environment.
5. Limit the noise in and around the site.
6. Support the activities of local organisations and businesses, thus ensuring the hotel continues to have a positive impact on the community both in day-to-day operations and in the future.
The Company will strive to enhance environmental awareness and understanding in all employees, suppliers, customers, sub-contractors and the public. Where possible the Company will provide information and assistance to customers on environmental issues arising from its products and services.
Stuart McManus
General Manager
January 2010
Current Activities
- Waste glass and bottles recycled
- Cardboard collected for recycling
- Bedroom TV’s switched off (not on standby)
- Towel usage policy in place to reduce linen consumption
- For guests staying more than one night bed linen only changed on the third day unless requested otherwise.
- Energy Saving Key Card controls being installed into refurbished bedrooms
- Light bulbs replaced with low energy light bulbs
- LED Lights introduced in Bar & Reception
- Energy Consumption monitored monthly and compared to previous results, tracked use by sleeper
- Staff Trained on induction on the CSR & it’s implications and also on Energy Saving within the hotel.
- Waste items are donated to charity
- Waste paper used for scrap or note taking
- PIR Sensor fitted to lights in remote storage areas
- Car park lighting fitted with light sensors
- Bulk purchase of certain products to reduce weekly transport
- Use of local suppliers wherever practical, including fresh local produce delivered daily to our kitchen.
- Only essential lighting, for health and safety purposes are left on when the hotel is closed at night.
- All staff are aware that all non-essential lighting and heating is to be turned off when not in use.
- Heating is regulated throughout the hotel by timers
- Soap dispensers have been installed in the public toilets.
- Printer Cartridges recycled
- Provide Newspapers on request to minimise wastage
- Endeavour to minimise the use of the kitchen dishwasher. When using the kitchen and bar dishwashers only use them on a full load.
- Hotel stationery & Brochures printed on recycled paper
- Waste cooking oil recycled.
- Endeavour to keep windows and doors shut at night during functions to reduce noise impact to local residents.
- Many local organisations are charged minimal room hire when booking meetings or charitable events, for example:- Rotary, Innerwheel, Soroptomists
- Prizes regularly given to local charitable organisations.
- All windows Double Glazed
- Air conditioning only turned on as required
- Support work experience placements from local schools
- All non-essential computers turned off after use
- On-line brochures available to avoid unnecessary paper usage
- Conference confirmations e-mailed out, where practicable to reduce paper and transport costs
- Carry out business in a responsible manner with due regards to the hotels immediate environment, particularly at unsociable hours and in relation to noise, odour, lighting, litter, uncollected waste or deliveries and collections
- Maintain building exteriors and grounds to create a positive visual impact with the hotels local community
- Agenda point on all monthly departmental meetings and the monthly health and safety committee meeting
- Boilers to be replaced with newer energy-efficient model
- Tap water is available on request in the Bar & Restaurant
- Toilet cisterns in Public Area toilets are controlled by usage to reduce water flow in this area